May 20, 2018
How to Listen to Biblical Preaching – Part 1
By: John Pulliam
Series: (All)
Luke 8:1-21
In Luke 8:18 Jesus warns the listener, "Take care then how you year, for to the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he thinks that he has will be taken away." Jesus places a high priority on the role of the listener when God's Word is proclaimed. In fact, Jesus links one's hearing (or receiving) God's Word to the condition of the heart. In this passage we learn of three commonly wrong conditions of the human heart and one right condition necessary to hear God's Word.
- May 20, 2018How to Listen to Biblical Preaching – Part 1
May 20, 2018How to Listen to Biblical Preaching – Part 1By: John PulliamSeries: (All)Luke 8:1-21In Luke 8:18 Jesus warns the listener, "Take care then how you year, for to the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he thinks that he has will be taken away." Jesus places a high priority on the role of the listener when God's Word is proclaimed. In fact, Jesus links one's hearing (or receiving) God's Word to the condition of the heart. In this passage we learn of three commonly wrong conditions of the human heart and one right condition necessary to hear God's Word.
- May 13, 2018What is Biblical Preaching?
May 13, 2018What is Biblical Preaching?By: John PulliamSeries: (All)1 Timothy 4:13; Nehemiah 8:8Preaching that proclaims all of God's truth, explains the meaning of God's truth, and applies God's truth to the heart of the listener is Biblical or Expository Preaching. Only Biblical or Expository Preaching is able to save, feed, and satisfy your eternal soul.
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